Two major barriers to topical ocular drug delivery. Reprinted with permission from Li et al.Due to high structural flexibility, multidrug carrying capability, and tunable size, dendrimers have been us....

Crystal phase and chemical interphase characterization of rare-earth systems and their hybrids: (A, B) XRD patterns of as-dried rare-earths and rare-earth hybrid systems, respectively; (C) FTIR spectr....

Imaging modes of scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM). (A) In direct current (DC) mode, once the probe is close to the sample, the ion electricity decays rapidly. This key feature provides a fee....

Schematic illustration of the regional codelivery of CAR-T cells and therapeutic agents via hydrogels for the treatment of solid tumors. CAR, chimeric antigen receptor.Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-....

UMAP image of three cases of primary and metastatic tumors. (A) Primary lesion, inflammatory phenotype without MYB-NFIB fusion. (B) Primary lesion, immune-exclusive phenotype with MYB-NFIBSalivary ade....

Schematic overview of ultrasound-triggered gas therapy. Under ultrasound irradiation, the gas released molecules are released gases, for example, NO, O2, CO, CO2, for tumor therapy.In recent years, ul....

Fatty acid (FA) metabolism in cancer cells. FAs can be de novo synthesized from citrate via ATP citrate lyase (ACLY), acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), and FA synthase (FASN). Exogenous FAs can enter cell....

The two major angiogenic signaling pathways involved in vessel formation. Schematic representation of sequential events that take place under activation of angiogenesis. The paradigm follows the activ....

Schematic illustrating the potential pathway associated with the apoptosis-inducing effect of Kuwanon-A (KA) and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) on gastric cancer (GC) cells.Despite the application of conventio....